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Hydra 30 Plus's new hydrating agent at a very interesting price

Hydra 30 Plus's new hydrating agent at a very interesting price

Hydra 30Plus is formulated to allow lawn managers to improve overall moisture management under agronomic programs. Hydra 30Plus improves the overall moisture content of the root zone by restoring uniform hydration throughout the root zone across different soil types. To better manage the stress caused by modern maintenance procedures, the Hydra 30Plus also includes a vitamin pack to help the lawn combat stress and speed up its regeneration if stress is evident. The Hydra 30Plus gives lawn managers flexibility to apply, visible results and cost-effectiveness, while helping to achieve firm grassy areas.

  • Restores uniform hydration in different soil types
  • This is a modern 3-D technology (it runs water in all directions)
  • Provides an important vitamin package
  • It combats lawn stress and promotes lawn regeneration
  • Increases infiltration capacity
  • Reduces water consumption by up to 30%
  • It is fully breakable by soil microorgasms
  • Represents an economic solution


Hydra 30 Plus's new hydrating agent at a very interesting price


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