For the event, which reached the subconscious of the football public under the title "Revival of the football stadium behind Lužánky in Brno"
At the beginning of March 2016, the ADAM-zahradnická, a.s. sales team grew into a new member, Tomáš Kadrnožka.
PRP AgrOptim Sunset is the next generation of PRP EBV. It is a liquid physiological stimulator based on mineral elements.
In June 2015, euro u21 football took place in the Czech Republic.
Last year, The Green Arm, s.r.o. company planted a new lawn from the RPR mix at the newly built City Arena stadium in Trnava.
We would also like to congratulate the Pilsen footballers on the championship title.
At the beginning of February, the best pitch for 2015 was announced as part of a conference and seminar organized by IOG CR and the Football Association of the Czech Republic.
For the third year running, Adam-zahradnická, a.s. has been working with Golf Resort Ypsilon Liberec.